Energy for the Trip

How do you get recharged after a long road trip? Well, Joseph illustrates how he gets his energy after several hours in the car: Go to the Power Potty!

When Joseph was three, he incorrectly heard us call Porta-Potties, “Power Potties,” and the name stuck! Joseph is standing in front of the “power potty” at the Conway, MO exit on the way to Mother’s Day services at Park Hills First A/G and at the “Hub of the Universe” in Vulcan, MO.

A special thanks as well to Farmington First A/G for the use of their evangelist quarters on Sunday Night.

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  1. Anonymous’s avatar

    Nice port-o-potty! Sure is nice to get out and stretch after a LOOOOOONG drive!

  2. Anonymous’s avatar

    Love those muscles! Miss you. Love, Grandma Kim

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