Where in the World?

Things have been a little quiet here on disciplemexico.org for the last week, but it’s not because we’ve been taking a Thanksgiving vacation. In fact, as I write this, I’m in the lobby of our hotel for the Mexican General Council, in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

Thanksgiving is a decidedly American holiday. So, since Latin America doesn’t recognize it, life goes on pretty much like any other day. Events are scheduled, business is planned, and missionaries need to leave in order to attend church events.

Still, before I left for council, we had a chance to spend some time at Chichen Itza. This was the last great city of the Maya people which rose to prominence in the year 900 A.D. and collapsed about 1200 A.D. The site still holds much cultural and religious significance today.

I’ve added pictures of our trip to the which you can view by clicking on the picture above or following this link.

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  1. honhol’s avatar

    So weird seeing all the stuff you guys are living that I only teach about! And how lucky that you guys are still wearing shorts. Must be nice! The ring for the game creeped me out. The game is called jai-alai and in the earliest days the losers would be sacrificed and their heads would adorn the rink for the next game. Amazing how barbaric earlier civilizations could be.

  2. Dave’s avatar

    It is such a strange feeling being in the middle of these ruins, where ancient civilizations once flourished. In each site, I tried to imagine the experience of being there. Everything, down to the crafts that were being sold seemed to be tied to their religion and their struggle to survive and manipulate their surroundings.

    How freeing it is to know that our God loves us, and that he is not one who requires sacred rituals or formulas in order to be reached.

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