Missions Next Door

Looking for a cross cultural experience? You might get more than you bargained for:

We’ve been living in Springfield, MO for the past twelve years, and in those twelve years, we have found the face of the city to be changing dramatically. In fact, the city that was once the Chinese food capital of Missouri, with Cashew Chicken “Springfield” style being one of it’s signature dishes is now becoming decidedly more Latin. There are Mexican markets and restaurants seemingly popping up on every corner. In fact, even on our block, where we have lived for 6 years, we’ve seen evidence of this change. We’ve seen two Mexican families move in where there were none before. An amusing example of this cultural shift that is going on throughout Missouri was on display in Independence, where a Chinese food restaurant is now being run entirely by Mexicans.

So what does this mean for us who are commanded to “go into all the world.” Well, first of all it means that missions does not start when we make it to our country of destination. It can start down the street at the neighbors, in the local restaraunt, or at the corner store. Jesus did mention going first to Jerusalem. We’ve been bulding relationships with our neighbors, beliving that God can work through us to reach Mexico even here in the States. Also, it means that we need to work harder, bridging the gap to not only a post-christian, but also a foreign culture that is on the rise throughout our communities. But let us take heart in what Paul says. As we reach out to those that God places around us and see Him change lives we too will find that:

“…there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” –Col 3:11

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