A Recap: Making the Vision a Reality

It seems so hard to believe that a year has gone by since we began the process of training our church planters throughout the Yucatán. In this video, we take the time to look back over our term, including the past year, to see the progress we’ve made in fulfilling the vision of the Yucatán full of churches diverse in class, status, education, and language, but united in their love for the Lord and one another. We pray that it’s an encouragement.

At the same time as we upload this update, we ask for your continued prayers for our evangelistic outreaches in the month of February, in which we anticipate a harvest of souls after the months of planting and watering. By the time you see this, we’ll have wrapped up two regions and should be finalizing the details in three more:

  • Centro: Hacienda Sahé, Tixpehual, February 21-22
  • Occidente: Piedra de Agua, Mérida, February 22
  • Norte: Euan, March 1