Last month, we said goodbye to Mexico City (CDMX), our home and base of operations since September of 2021. As we planned and packed, said our farewells, and boarded the plane for Springfield, MO, we felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunities we’d been given and the contributions we’d made. Nevertheless, we depart with a sober understanding of the unfinished business we leave behind.

As we ministered in our last service at Casa de Dios, the storefront congregation pastored by Enoc Galván, we recognized our affection for our home church. This was where we regularly led worship, shared God’s Word, and prayed fervently for God’s move in Santa Úrsula, the neighborhood where the church is located. This was also a people from whom we’d received such tremendous hospitality and among whom we’d witnessed miracles.
Similarly, as the ministers of Section 6 extended their hands to pray for us during our last meeting together, we reflected on the opportunities we’ve had to partner with them, preach in their churches, and encourage their congregations. These men and women have labored for the Lord and persevered in extreme circumstances. We’re honored to be considered their colleagues and receive their blessing.
Still, we can’t help but recognize how few are working to reach this city. Section 6 consists of only 6 churches in the Tlahuac and Itztapalapa municipalities with 2.2 million people. That’s over 366,000 people for each church to reach! City-wide, the Assemblies of God has only 52 churches among 9.2 million inhabitants*. Clearly, there is work to be done to increase the influence of the gospel message and the power of Pentecost in this megalopolis.
That’s why, as Dave prayed during the Spiritual Retreat, he asked the Lord to unite the congregations of CDMX in their work to reach the city. We ask as well that He speed our return so we can rejoin our friends and resolve our unfinished business in Mexico City!
Note: this post is just a portion of what we share in our quarterly newsletter. If you’d like more information from the Godzwas or would like to print this update, take a look at the full PDF version of our quarterly newsletter or, better still, sign up to receive our newsletters direct to your inbox!
Photo captions:
- Saying goodbye to the congregation of Casa de Dios, our home church in Mexico City
- Fellow ministers of Section 6 pray for us during our last meeting together.
- Dave was invited to pray for the ministers of Distrito Sur during the Spiritual Retreat.
*As a comparison, New Jersey has a population of 9.3 million and 228 Assemblies of God churches.
Tags: Church planting, Mexico City, Prayer