While we continue to provide logistical support to the recovery and rebuilding process in Acapulco, we’re also taking advantage of open doors to facilitate ministry throughout Mexico. This past month, we traveled to Monterrey, strategizing with our national partners to reach the more than 30 million children of Mexico and see more churches planted.

A National Children’s Ministries Consultation was held on November 28th and 29th. Children’s ministries representatives from each of the 24 districts of the A/G of Mexico met with national church leadership to pray, train, and plan for a greater impact among the next generation. We coordinated the visit of featured speaker, Steve Sobey, President of the International Association of King’s Castle Ministry.
King’s Castle is a vibrant and growing outreach and discipleship ministry, activating youth to communicate the love of Jesus to children. In Mexico, however, it has faced a series of setbacks. One of the principal aims of the Consultation, then, was to see this ministry revitalized.
In their presentation, Steve and his associates, Heber Pérez and Wendy Landaverde, spoke on child evangelism and cast vision for the future of King’s Castle in Mexico. A highlight was the time of prayer as King’s Castle leaders gathered around the flag to intercede for the children of Mexico. While there is much work yet to be done, it was clear that the revitalization had begun.
Following the Consultation, we stayed in Monterrey but switched gears to talk about church planting. Dave preached at the national superintendent’s church, Palabra de Vida. In his sermon, he shared from the Good Samaritan, leading the congregation through an analysis of attitudes helpful for the extension of their influence in society. We concluded our time together detailing profiles for potential church planters among Mexico’s growing professional class.
We believe that our time in Monterrey has served to motivate ministry throughout Mexico. Thank you for your prayers and support that allow us to walk through these open doors!
Note: this post is just a portion of what we share in our quarterly newsletter. If you’d like more information from the Godzwas or would like to print this update, take a look at the full PDF version of our quarterly newsletter or, better still, sign up to receive our newsletters direct to your inbox!
Photo Captions:
- Steve Sobey (bottom center), praying with leaders of King’s Castle Ministries in Mexico
- Dave, sharing from the Good Samaritan at Palabra de Vida, Monterrey
- Conversing about church planter profiles with National Superintendent, Enrique González (center), and his family