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Blog Readability

I was reading the blogs of some other missionaries, specifically an interesting series of posts on “God’s call to the fools,” when I came across a little tool that measures the level of education that it takes to read and understand a certain website. Some that I tried required an elementary level education, others a high school education and so on. Imagine my surprise however, when I found what it took to read and understand That’s right, the blog readability test said that it takes a genius to understand the things that I say.

This leads me to two conclusions:

  1. I have a very intelligent reader base. Congratulations then to those who have subscribed and regularly struggled to understand what this rambling missionary writes.
  2. Perhaps I need to be a bit more accessible in the future. What do you think? Do you read with a window open? Let me know.

Oh, and if you want to check out how your blog rates, head over to the blog readability test and find out for yourself.
