Paradigm noun: a typical example or pattern of something; a model.
There are familiar patterns to our lives, ways that we are accustomed to thinking, speaking, and acting that help us to relate to others, accomplish tasks, and meet the challenges that we face on a daily basis. These are our paradigms; although usually unconscious, they govern our behaviors in significant ways. Generally, we only become aware of those paradigms when they fail us, often painfully.

As we serve on the Global Resource Training Team (GRTT), training Global Workers for AGWM, we recognize that we can’t prevent all of those painful moments, but we can prepare them by helping them recognize their paradigms and allow for the shifts in those paradigms that will inevitably come throughout their career. That process begins during the Pre-Field/Candidate Orientation (PFO/CO) sessions.
In October’s session, the GRTT welcomed 83 new Global Workers who are beginning the formation that will make them effective ministers in a cross-cultural context with AGWM. Dealing with the Bible in Ministry (BiM), Dave participated in the presentation of a revamped curriculum to help these new Global Workers see the limitations of traditional paradigms for understanding the Bible and connect them to its overarching story which more readily engages the people they aim to reach.
In the afternoons, we joined our Latin America Caribbean (LAC) Regional Team to receive the 7 new missionaries joining the LAC family and to facilitate conversations around the core missionary competencies of Spiritual Formation, Missionary Life and Work, Theology of Mission, Understanding Language and Culture, Ministry in Context, as well as Bible in Ministry.
What a privilege it is to serve in this capacity, preparing our colleagues to fulfill the Great Commission! We appreciate your prayers and support that make our ministry possible.
Photo Captions:
- Dealing with BiM, Dave shared during two sessions, presenting a revamped curriculum to help new AGWM Global Workers grasp the biblical narrative.
- In this PFO/CO session, we celebrate answers to prayer: seven new Global Workers for the harvest in the LAC Region.
- A highlight of our week was the Global Prayer Service. Our newly elected executive director, John Easter, led us as we interceded for the nations.