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March was a hectic month to say the least; playing host to two teams and a state-side trip had me wondering if I was coming or going. Add to that a seasonal sinus infection and I was primed for a personal pity party. At the lowest point, alone, on the road, congested and unable to sleep, I’m sure the thought “What difference does all this make, anyway?” had crossed my mind if not once then several times.

That’s not to say that good wasn’t being done. A roof was raised in Kiní, giving a growing congregation a place to meet, shaded from the blazing sun and protected from the rains that are soon to come. A church building was started in Tekax, breaking ground on a vision to reach that city of over 25,000 with its 90+ surrounding communities. Youth and adults were challenged to leave their comfort zone and join in God’s mission to reach the nations. But in the same way that prophets have been known to battle with self doubt, so this missionary was feeling the psychological burden of being over-extended, though his wounds may well have been self-inflicted.

A “chance” meeting on a Wednesday afternoon, then, was just what the doctor, or the psychologist ordered. A man by the name of Luis stopped by the building site in Tekax. He had met one of the team members from the church the evening before on the square and had wanted to thank him for taking the time to talk with him. While he was chatting with the pastor and the team member, he suddenly stopped and took a hard look at me, trying to place me as I took off my sunglasses.

“Did you lead a campaign here in Tekax eight years ago?,” he asked me.

“I had,” I told him. “My evangelism students from Bethel and I held a campaign in 2009 in one of the neighborhoods on the north side of the city.”

“Thank you,” he said. “I was saved on the last night of that campaign.”

All of a sudden, the hectic schedule, the physical exhaustion, perhaps even the sinus infection were but a distant memory. What difference does it make? For Luis, eight years ago, it made all the difference in the world.

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In 2008, then Bible School Director Silverio Blanco and I met to talk about ways in which we could work together to update the facilities of Instituto Bíblico, Bethel. Since that time, we’ve invited others to join with us to make the vision that we put down on paper a reality. Finally, that vision is coming to fruition.

This Spring, construction began on a new building for Bethel. This will hold a cafeteria, a library, and a multipurpose room that can be used as an additional, much needed, classroom. This month, Sparrow Fellowship from Waterford, PA, was our first team to lend a hand in construction. They worked for a week, not only laying a foundation and building walls, but more importantly investing in the mission of raising up new leaders for the work here in the Yucatan.

Take a look at the pictures below for some of the week’s action:

“From June 11-18, 2011, Sparrow Fellowship came to Merida to help in the construction at Bethel Bible Institute.”

From Sparrow Fellowship Team. Posted by David Godzwa on 6/24/2011 (9 items)

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