As we prepare this newsletter during Advent, we are reminded of the paradoxes in our world. While Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven, its fullness remains unrealized. As believers, we rejoice in what we’ve experienced in Christ yet long for its complete manifestation in us and others.

These contrasts were evident during our recent travels to Mexico and Cuba. In Mexico (Nov. 9–15), we attended the biennial council of our national church partners. We celebrated progress, including new opportunities for church planting in the Laguna District and testimonies of students being discipled on campuses in Guanajuato and Mexico City. Yet, alongside these victories, we supported colleagues navigating complex challenges, praying for redemption in difficult situations.
Our first trip to Cuba (Dec. 3–5) to meet the national church leadership revealed both remarkable growth and significant struggle. The church is thriving, with small groups and baptisms multiplying rapidly. Yet, this growth is overshadowed by hardships—hurricanes, an earthquake, and an energy crisis—that leave families and ministries struggling to meet basic needs. Witnessing these extremes left us deeply moved, grappling with the tension of joy and suffering.
In such contradictions, we find hope in the words of the Apostle Paul. In 2 Corinthians 6:9–10, he describes being “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.” His hope was rooted in the promise of Christ’s return, when his work to reconcile a lost world with its Creator would be vindicated. This is the hope of Advent—a hope that shapes our actions and sustains us as we labor for God’s Kingdom.
This Advent season, we thank you for your prayers and contributions that enable us to partner with missionaries and national churches in the Northern Triad. Please pray for the continued advancement of God’s Kingdom in our area and that, despite present challenges, we remain steadfast in hope and faithful to His mission.
Photo Captions:
- Mexico Global Workers gathered during the national church council in Guadalajara, Mexico
- In Cuba with education leaders Ariel Sánchez and his wife, Mayker (left), and Yban Cordovi (by Dave). Daniel Irizarry (center) was our guide.
- Short on resources, the Cuban church is resourceful, refurbishing outdated presses to print evangelism and discipleship materials.
Note: this post is just a portion of what we share in our quarterly newsletter. If you’d like more information from the Godzwas or would like to print this update, take a look at the full PDF version of our quarterly newsletter or, better still, sign up to receive our newsletters direct to your inbox!