Elijah was as human as we are and yet when he prayed fervently… —James 5:17
Phil caught Dave’s attention in the hallway. He was one of the new candidate missionaries seeking approval from the World Missions Board during the Spring Pre-field and Candidate Orientation (PFO/CO) Event, which took place March 9th-15th in Springfield, MO.
He said, “You prayed for me during General Council in August, and now I’m here to become a missionary to Paraguay!”

Phil reminded Dave of how they met in the World Missions exhibit while his family was attending the Fine Arts Festival in another part of the convention center. He knew he was called to be a missionary, but his family wasn’t ready to take the next step. Praying together, Dave and Phil asked God to confirm His calling on the entire family, and there they were, just months later, committed to making disciples in Paraguay!
Prayer can be difficult. With our busy schedules, there seems to be so little time to intercede for our own needs, much less to pray for the nations and for workers to reach them, but we’re encouraged by the Scriptures, God answers the prayers of ordinary humans, even ours!
In addition to Phil and his wife Yariana’s calling, we’re seeing our 10.2 prayers (read Luke 10:2) being answered. During this PFO/CO, we welcomed 4 new global workers destined for Mexico—Crystal Lodico, working with youth, Jennifer and Aldo Wajajay, planting churches among the indigenous, and Melissa Sederwall reaching children. In all, 125 new missionaries participated in the week’s training. Keep pausing each day at 10:02 AM or PM and ask God to continue to send workers to Mexico and around the world.
We’re happy to say that God answers those personal requests as well. We’ve always sought more opportunities for ministry as a couple. When travel issues kept another team member from teaching during the main Bible in Ministry sessions. Kelly filled in and did a wonderful job!
Photo Captions:
- Dave prayed with Phil in the LAC General Council Exhibit in August of 2023. In March, he and his wife, Yariana, were approved as candidate missionaries to Paraguay.
- 10.2 prayers answered! The Wajajays (right), Melissa Sederwall (center), and Crystal Lodico (left) are new workers for Mexico.
- A suitable helper: Kelly stepped up to help facilitate the Bible in Ministry Competency.